Hi baby,
Have you ever received a love letter?
No ? I guess it’s only right we change that then.
I’ll be doting on you today
This is my love letter to you !!!
Dear You,
In times past I’d tell you you’re strong
I’d tell you you’re smart ,
But I think there are more layers to you than meets the eye.
I love that even the tiniest things can get you so teary (🤣🤣🤣 sensitive much!! )but that’s just one layer to you , you allow yourself feel the beauty in the small things of life, a hug, a smile from a stranger, a cute little goldfish , a compliment or just holding hands with the people you love.
I think there’s something magical about how you let yourself feel despite it all and no I don’t think you’re strong …we’ve said that so many times you feel the weight of the world sinking you in …it’s time to let go and be soft. Rather than strong I think YOU ARE INCREDIBLE !!!
Someone once called you a universe meant to be explored and yes I think you are .
Aside being sensitive, I love how you are passionate about the things you love although sometimes you tend to forget about them. But when you remember, your zeal to take them up again is a wonder !
I love that you still haven’t given up on yourself although you almost have on so many occasions (our little secret🤫); YOUR OPTIMISM IS BEAUTIFUL !
I think you have a natural light and no matter how many times to you try to dim it or water yourself down for people, you naturally shine and not to sound conceited but you should really let people into your light .
I think you doubt yourself a lot sometimes and you don’t even know the power you have , YOU ARE AMAZING !!
I think you’re intuitive too but sadly you barely pay attention to that and I think you embody some parts of 1st Corinthians 13:4–7 with how you love because I believe that’s exactly how you’d want to be loved.
There’s so much more to you than you let on …and one day you’d be able to bare your soul without feeling like you’re doing too much …You’d be able to pour out love like the way you live through the words in your write ups without holding back.
Don’t sell yourself short because you are capable of all you put your mind to and so much more (cliché I know but look at all the things you’ve achieved). And never forget the Big Man in the Golden Seat who Graces your efforts because truthfully it’s all Him.
Years from now I want you to look at this and see it from a place of growth, where you’ve fully bloomed to be yourself and you’ve accepted all the shades of ugly and beautiful you are. Your perfect imperfection!
I Hope you know I love you.
I Hope even on days you find yourself unlovable, in the depths of your heart you know no one is going to love you like I do .
I’m your cheerleader,
Your biggest support system .
There’s no me without you (flaws and all ) and Oh I love you .
I am you and you me ❤️
Did I say I love you ?
Because I do …it may not be evident now but I do
Never forget you are loved as much as you want to be loved ❤️