I think people who let go of the shackles of life are courageous and brave
To look life in the eyes and say “you are not I want”.
And then look death in the face and say “I know you always make the decisions on who gets to stay and go but I decide this time” .
I bet if Life and Death could speak they’d not only be dumbfounded but starstruck .
On the contrary I think they rather than being selfish; think to themselves maybe for once let me make a decision and choice that is only mine to make …no external factors … (I think society preaches putting yourself first a lot and what if this was a case of putting themselves first)
What if throwing the towel in means they finally found fulfillment and freedom?
What if holding skies afloat was the only truth they knew ?
What if the pain of loved ones is a small price to pay when people prefer to hold on to memories and illusions rather than hold on to them ?
But then
This is not a black and white situation
It’s a mix of grey , a mix of black in bright colors
A mix of pain , anguish , hurt , suffering , relief and freedom (ultimately)
What am I saying??? I’m not entirely sure what my stance is
But this is me saying …I understand what it feels to hold on to ropes that leave you burnt and scarred without knowing whether to keep holding on or to let go .
When the blade slips through ;
And nothing can be saved.
When the last breath is taken
And all you hear is the ringing of the flatline .
I hope peace finds me .
That the cold fingers that gripped ,
Grant safe passage into warm arms of those long gone.
Amongst the clouds and stars that align ,
Porcelain skin, frostbite lips and deep slumber, would look as dainty as a newborn at dusk
When the blade slips through,
And nothing can be saved ,
When red rivers flowed and flooded the banks
And whispers of untold stories washed ashore
I hope tributaries were found
That when the levee broke
freedom from the heavens I held aloft was granted,unlike Atlas
The gold at the end of the rainbow I found and at twilight peace beckoned.
This is just a creative piece that seeks to break barriers between topics we shy away from.